Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Rest For The .....

I had one busy week planned, with today being the most jam packed of all.  Today was composed of testing at the hospital, breakfast with the Runaway Bride, meet with one of the college guys at Starbucks, then off to the local college for placement testing - just in case I can get into some interesting program, complete applications for the college and the State, etc!  And that is just the morning!

However, the Starbucks time got cut short when my youngest daughter called to tell me that son and his girl friend were in a knock down drag out fight in the front of the house, her car blocking the roadway.  So I got home as fast I could.

Girl was of course gone.  Son sitting on the stairs and inconsolable.  So, I went to lunch.  Back home, son got calmed down and went to work.

So, timing for the day is completely shot, undone to do's will now have to be done tomorrow, which sort of complicates tomorrow's already full schedule.

As for son, he is going to be even more unhappy when he is invited to turn in his house keys and take his continual teenage drama with him.  He has been tetering on this for the past five months and this is the final straw for me.

Yeah, no rest for the father - whom will be seen as wicked by all in the family.  But, it is important for a boy to grow into a man - and it will not occur if there are no repercussions for beating - even in self defense - a female.....

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