Saturday, August 13, 2011


So, it seems inevitable that son can not be encouraged to any longer participate or perform even  the most remotest interaction with me or the family.

Monday, I went in his room and fount it to be completely piled in garbage - yes, real honest to gosh garbage and most of my missing flatware.  So, he was told to clean it up or he would be moving out.  He response was to leave for the rest of the day and now no longer be at home at all if I am and has stopped speaking to me, even in passing.  Just attitude is all I get now.

So, I have been struggling with this for days.  Obviously he believes he is calling my bluff.  But it is not a bluff - bluffing ended months ago.  But - and that is the problem - but what?  He is so ill prepared for life that failure is certain.  And maybe that is what he wants in life - confirmation that he is a failure.

Is he just to afraid to walk out the door and get on with his life or is he looking for someone to blame his failure on when I am forced to take back the house keys from him this week?

I don't get it.

Perhaps there is wisdom in those whom show their young men the boot when they are eighteen, it sure would have saved me a year of grief, misery and disrespect in my house.  Not to mention that week in the hospital one year ago because my heart could not take the situation with him any long.  When my youngest daughter will not even talk with him - I guess its time for him to move along.

Sigh.  Last thing my blood pressure needs is more stress.....

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