Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For those whom commented and sent emails when I recieved my bad news last month, I thought I would give a quick status check.

All of my numbers have stabilized, which is good because that means needed parts of me are not getting worse across the past month.  So maybe dire predictions by the doctor might be off a bit if God wants me around for a little longer.

On the other hand, it means that Kris has to figure out how to live without tea in his life, if the blood pressure is going to remain in the normal range.  Sigh.  Is life worth living without a hot cup of tea?  I guess so, but I am still working on that answer.....

My elderly mining partner, whom I visited while in Tucson, is becoming very fragile.  I tried witnessing to him again, but he is just dead set against having any form of a relationship with God.  I just can not figure this out, he grew up in a Christian home, his parents were Christians and fairly easy going people about their faith - but he is adamant that God will play no role in his.  He even goes to church on Sundays!  Well, maybe something will sink in.

Keep him your prayers!

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