Saturday, January 29, 2011


So I have been a bit busy trying to get a car running, to no real avail.  Seems whatever I touch, causes something else to disintegrate!  A cosmic conspiracy of the automotive gods.  Ya gotta wonder sometimes....

And, all of this in just the past 24 hours!

But the TMI part is how some people are just willing to dump way too much information on complete strangers.  Such as I went to a pharmacy looking for Slo-Naicin, it seems to be the only one I can take without getting whacked by a bright red rash all over my body.  So this lady decides to help me, which I do not want, and then proceeds to tell me about how she can understand because she get hot flashes all of the time.  I beat a hasty retreat!

Or the Spanish speaker, on his cell the entire process of going through checkout!  His conversation completely revolved around him asking the other side of the conversation, why he should tell them anything!  For 25 minutes!  I wanted to scream, "Because I said so,!", in Spanish, in his ear and hopefully rupture one or more ear drums!  I may have lost a few IQ points during that encounter!

Or trying to get a fish sandwich at McDonalds and am entertained by these two guys discussing vaseline vs KY jelly and each others preferences.  Oh dear Lord save me!  I kept a real close eye that my sandwich did not come from either of them.....

Better still at the gas station, one woman talking with another on the other side of the pump, concerning all of her gynecological experiences.  Oh barf!  Give me a toilet brush and a bar of soap, 'cause that woman is going down!

Even my own son having a rip roaring fight with ex-girlfriend on the phone, standing in the middle of the yard, in the middle of the night!  If I could have found a brick.....

What in the heck is wrong with this American culture that people can not shut their mouths when in public?  Assuming that any of this needs to have been said in the first place, ever......

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