Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Back in the college days, we had quite a group that would hang out together to study.  Not like any of us were in the same class, but it seems easier to study with other humans around, rather than locked in your own dorm!

Now, we all had nicknames, and one of the girls we had named Barracuda.  You see Barracuda, in real life, just sort of swim along checking out the menu items.  When they spot something tasty, they will do a drive by, spin and watch to see what happens.  Nothing? Then it makes a head long run in for the kill.

That was how Kathy was, all Barracuda.  Spot guy, zoom in for a quick chat and then "disappear" to watch.  If all looked good - zoom!  Poor guy never saw it coming.

Now back before Christmas I had spotted what appeared to be a barracuda at church.  Sort of a quiet one, single, divorce and Christian was about all anyone knew about her.  She was mingling, but her eyes were searching.  They lit upon a guy in our congregation whom is a real life cowboy.  Now in his middle aged years, and married I might add, she zoomed in for the drive by.  Apparently, she liked what she saw, because when I came back from vacation, they are now close friends.

I know he is married, I am sure others know he is married, I can't believe the gossips in the church did not tell her he was - and yet .......?  Conversely, I wonder if he is flattered to have a younger woman's attention?  From what I know of him, he never struck me as the type to give a female much attention.  Knows his horse and not much else.

Guess it is those quiet ones you have to worry about......

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