Friday, January 14, 2011


It never ceases to amaze me at how certain teenagers can make the most inconvenient of demands and then think nothing of the effort it takes to meet them!

For instance, your son needs a ride, which requires that you get up at 5 am, in order to pick him up and then run him into work.  You have to do this because he can not drive, because he refused to work for the first three years he could have. 

So you show up at 7 am to pick him up, he is still in bed.  Once up he has to talk on the phone with his girl friend for 20 minutes so is not even ready by 7:30, the drop dead time for departure.

Now he gives you attitude because you tell him to get off the phone, make his lunch and get his back end out the door!

Then you remind him that this inconvenience is at his request and he is giving attitude why?  Oh yeah, you are treating him like an irresponsible kid. 

Like duh!

As my Danish uncle always said, "No good deed goes unpunished.....".

1 comment:

Covnitkepr1 said...

Kids....they're a different breed anymore.
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