Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not From Our Perspective

Last night was one of those few teachable moments I have ever had with my son.  Of course, it was over girl problems - but by extension we were also addressing the problem of allowing God to work in our lives.

Which brings to mind, John 5:19-20.  Why?

Because we often ask the wrong questions or view our lives from the wrong vantage point.  If we say, "What is God's will for my life?" or "What do You want me to do?", we are asking the wrong questions.  If you ask the wrong questions you will either not find an answer or come up with the wrong answers all on you lonesome.

The question we should be pursuing is, "What is God's will?", period!

God is always there, He is always at work, but we have to be able to know what His work is and then what part we should be playing in this work.

Yeah, I know this goes against the conventional wisdom of the American theological experience, but God's work is His and not ours.  If you are giving him a list of three girls you like and you want to know which of them is the "one" - you never will get the answer you are looking for!  You will however get plenty of wrong answers from your hormones.

As I told my son, if you want to find the girl of your dreams -   STOP LOOKING!  Get involved in what God tells you, you should be doing, for a start by knowing your Bible.  You would be amazed how you will stumble across the "right" person, when you are not looking for them but by becoming involved in God's work.

We can join in God's work because we are loved by Him.
We can join in God's work because it is based on the truth of His Word.
We can join in God's work because it is revealed by His will.
We can join in God's work because it is enabled by His power.

 But, first we must focus our attention on God, to see what He is up to and then see where we belong/should be doing.....

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