Friday, January 21, 2011

Question of Commitment

Sunday was interesting because there was to be some football game on, which started at 10 am.  So, I could hardly wait to get to church to see how many would be there.  Yup, you guessed it and I already knew what the result would be.

First service was almost a laugh there were so few there and if there were more than 17 at second service that might have been stretching it.

So, what is the point?

Well, at both services attendance was almost completely female.  Yeah, where could those missing males have been?  Hmmmmmm, (sound of fingers drumming) what could have happened to them?

I guess the males of my church find themselves torn between the freedom we have as Christians and the requirement to gather for fellowship.  No, not football fellowship, gathered around the boob-tube, but Christian - worshiping, praying and learning about things which are eternal.

Yeah, things which are eternal can always be put off for another day, right?  After all, God is not really going to hold us accountable for our choices.  Will He?  What kind of narrow minded god would that be!?!

This is long something I have written about, the lack of discernment within the Western (especially the American) Church.  As a body we can no longer tell right from wrong nor good from evil.  And those whom do have discernment, willing to get into people's faces over whom their gods really are, are ignored if not ostracized from the active Body.  No one wants to hear the truth when it does not serve their own purpose.

And, it is my own personal observation that God does hold you accountable for your choices.  If you bother to notice that things are just not going as well as they used to/could have been.  But, then why bother to take a look, you will just find out what you already know in your heart - if you are filled by the Spirit (ie: a Christian!).

Don't like how things are in your life?  It would certainly be my first choice to examine one's self to see if God might just have a problem with you and your choices.  And if your choices suck, then maybe step one step back and figure out if you are making those bad choices because, well may be, you need to get straight with God first......

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