Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 - Want To Change Your Life?

Thoughts from reading John 5:1 - 6.

1.  Do you need change in your life?
     Do you need the change that Jesus offers?

(v 5:3) We  all have our problems and we all have our pools to lay beside.  We may even have friends and family whom are willing to enable us in our misery.

We all have our mats of comfort or self pity that we lay upon.  We hope that something different is going to happen everyday; something which will change us or our circumstance.

Who needs to be touched by Jesus this year?  We ALL do!

2.  Do you really want change in your life?

(v5:5, 6) One might be tempted to wonder if Jesus was asking this invalid a dumb question.  After all, this man had been unable to walk for 38 years.  But, Jesus was not asking a dumb question, he was asking if the man really wanted change in his life.

Why wouldn't the man want to be healed?  Well, change is hard and many consider change to be down right evil!  We take great comfort in the familiarity of our surroundings and circumstance.  Change is not comfortable to almost anyone!

We read this passage and we can see that Jesus is actually being the perfect gentleman - He is not going to act unless the man was willing to ASK Him to!  In our lives, Jesus stills seems to work the same way - if we do not ask, He does not act!  (Ok, there are those situations where He seems to use a baseball bat on me to get me where He wants me!)

Do you want change in your life in 2011?  Then choose healing over hurt in your life.  Physical, Spiritual and/or Emotional healing in our lives is all easily within the abilities of God - but we do need to ASK.


(As if a validation last night, as I wrote this, my heart began to give up as it had in August.  I have been almost fatalistic these past two weeks knowing this was going to happen - and yet with this note on my mind I prayed for my heart to recover - and it did.  The first responder had my initial blood pressure at 211/121 (gag! my pulse was also off the charts) and after I prayed it dropped to 143/85 with a pulse of 70!  Yeah, asking works.....  And apparently my number is not quite up yet.)


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