Saturday, January 15, 2011

HBD - To Me!

Yeah, I survived another year, somehow!

Did I ever tell you about how in third grade our teacher sent us home to find out how long we could expect to live?  Well, my parents had no clue (WWII sort of slaughtered my German side and mother left home at 13).

So, I called up my American grandmother and asked her.  She told me that all males were dead by 40!  I reported this back to my class and the teacher reacted real weirdly.  No idea at the time as to why, but, I always kept the fact tucked away in my brain.

As I was growing up, fully well knowing that each day was one day closer to the magical drop dead date, I did everything I could imagine.  No risk was too great - after all, I was not going to be around for long.

So, I awoke at 40 years plus one day and had absolutely no clue what to do for the rest of my life.

I called up my grandmother and told her that she was wrong - I was now older than 40!

There was this long pause after which she said, "Well, I think I might have forgotten to mention one fact.  All of them died from alcoholism....."

I now knew I was royally shafted.  All of those injuries were now going to come back to haunt me as I grew older and older.  Sigh.

So, today, I celebrate the 34th occurrence of my 22nd birthday and my liver is still in pristine condition.....

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