Monday, January 3, 2011


Wholly Cow!  You will not believe this one!

I was at the first church of the fresh meat and there is this little old lady whom runs the prayer ministry.  Before service began, she came up and asked if I would be willing to pray at the end of the service.  They have volunteers stand over on the side at the end just in case anyone wants prayer.  Now I have know this lady for many years through my visits here and perhaps she is just used to seeing me.  So, I thought why not?

End of service, I walk out and cut over to the far door and walk down the far aisle and stop up front.  She joins me shortly thereafter.  The pastor tells the church that prayer teams are at the front and turns to my side and goes, "Over here, we have ------------- Kris," but there was utter confusion in his eyes.  I was just smiling.

Only one person came up on my side, a young blond girl - mind you not as pretty as my blond daughters, but a looker none the less!  She asked for prayer as she returns to school, explaining that life was a little difficult there and she did not seem to have good fellowship.  Seemed reasonable, we prayed and then broke up as the church emptied.

Well, except for her, whom wanted to talk more to me!  I was instantly on my defense but answered her questions, which only seemed to make her more interested.  And, then I was realizing she came up for prayer because she wanted to know me!  What the heck!

I quickly calculated that it would not have been hard at all to be her grandfather if I had married around 21!  Excusing myself I FLED the scene. 

Now I will be the first that to admit that as a middle age guy it is down right encouraging to even get a look (such as I got from her!) from a girl that soft on the eyes.  And, I imagine a normal one would have her name, address and phone number (which she offered!) by now.  But, ya know, I exorcised those demons years ago.


Robin said...

Run Kris Run!

KJP said...

You are really evil!, laughing at my discomfort.....

Actually, I have not gotten any sympathy on this one even from my girls. They just howl with laughter.

Almost makes you think I was set up - were it not so random.....