Monday, July 1, 2013


I wanted to post this earlier but the King of Klutz managed to trip over one of the grandchildren and threw his back out.  Sigh.....

So playing catch up here:

Last Tuesday we literally had a deluge here at the house.  Now during this rainstorm we had over 3" of rain come down in just 10 minutes!  Holy Cow!  I could not believe how much nor how fast it was falling!  The rain was literally bouncing 6" off of the pavement when it hit!  I have only seen something like that one in my life before!

And I thought to myself, well yeah, this is a lightening storm, but still that is a great deal of water for clouds to carry very far!  And I wondered what I did not know about weather systems.  It was freaky and amazing at the same time!

Now a friend of mine lives on the opposite side of the lake from me and was out walking their dog when the storm hit.  But, he was not drowned in the rainstorm, instead he saw something incredible and photographed this with his phone:

I live about 1/2 mile from Puget Sound, a large body of salt water.  Between me and Sound is a 600 foot cliff, a nice size fresh water lake teeming with trout, otters and a local variety of snapping turtle, and lots of trees and homesteads.

So this, literally a water vacuum, was sucking straight out of the Sound and dropping the water 2,000 feet away on my house!  Almost sounds like a tornado only there was no circular motion but sure was sucking the water let me tell  you!  I calculated just shy of 4,000 gallons of water were dumped on my property alone during those ten minutes!


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