Monday, July 22, 2013


I had the weirdest dream of my entire life Saturday night!  And that says something!

So I dreamed it was the 1890's and the silver miners had all gone on strike in Leadville, Colorado.  The state of Colorado had called up the National Guard to go in and put down the rioting and the strike.  And then things got ugly.

This would be the same National Guard which distinguished itself against unarmed old people, women and children at Sand Creek - forever to be known as the Sand Creek Massacre, a few years before this.  Yeah, not nice people and their efforts in Leadville were historically appalling as well.

So far, everything is within historical context.

But, then I was asked to come to St. Louis and negotiate a truce between the two parties.  For some reason I had this large barge filled with aquariums of tropical fish.  So, I laid out an impressive presentation on how tropical fish are endangered and can't we all just get along when there are real problems in the world?

It worked and both sides agreed to support the efforts to keep tropical fish from going extinct!

Don't ask me, I have no clue where this nonsense came from!  I woke up and sat there in bed trying to remember what it was I had to eat before I went to bed because that one was worthy of pizza time nightmare!

Too weird ... I knew it, I am becoming a liberal ...

1 comment:

Covnitkepr1 said...

Must have eaten something really spicy.

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