Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hit and Miss

It has been hit or miss since last Thursday as to whether or not my laptop would start, if the router would work and/or the modem would stay up!  Just too plain hot!

This little computer I installed a fan in to help cool the circuits, then I have a 30" fan blowing on me and all of the workstation equipment and behind that a large air conditioner - and it has been a struggle keeping the temperature under 75!  So lots of line drops, lots of wireless and hardware failures and flat out will not restart on the laptop.

But, I have been busy and hope to post a picture tomorrow of what I have been up to in the sweltering heat!  Lots of hard work and with a back that has been out the entire time as well!  Oh well.  Work on the computer in the morning coolness, then do the physical stuff in the later heat - which backwards from what I needed.  But, you will like the results when I can get the picture resized in photoshop tomorrow.

I am getting stronger and regaining some of my hand muscle, as well as, brain function.

Two weeks ago it took me 6.5 hours to change a bicycle type and tire.  Sunday it was only 30 minutes!  How is that for improvement?!?!?!?  Still have some of the hand stiffness. Not sure as to why but bit by bit Kris is fighting back to humanity.  No, probably no awesome adventures left to await me (that I know of!), but I will be satisfied to see my life resolved as soon as possible.

Ran into KJ, one of "my boys" from years back.  Skinnier than a starving greyhound!  Guess he lost his job, has been on the street and not doing well.  He is talking about going back home to his mother (really bad idea!) so I have him set up for an interview Friday.  Not the best job in the world, but it pays enough to actually live on with paid benefits.  Never any coincidences in our lives as Christians.  Just as it was important for him to stumble across my path and get a free meal, it will probably be shown why it is important to me as well, later.

Also ran into James, I told you about him months ago.  He was taken down by some police, whom thought he looked suspicious and broke both of his wrists.  So, he was laid off as a bus driver because, hey he can't drive any longer.  Guess he is now involved in a multi-million dollar lawsuit against everyone but the tidy bowl man!  We had a long talk and yeah, he needs prayer for healing - physically, mentally, emotionally; but more importantly he needs discipleship.  That later point is a sore point for me because none of the churches in my town invest in this.  So what few Christians there are, are misled and/or babies in the faith - not that I am the rock of Gibraltar, but at least I did invest years into being discipled.

Well, need to get this posted.  It is grand-kid day and they will be awaking soon.

Shhhhhhh, be wery, wery quiet ..... I think I hear the wustle of a wabbit ..... heh, heh, heh, heh!

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