Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So What is it About?

This week we have been looking at the story of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11 - 20.

We have seen the standard presentation, brought to my mind by a prodigal woman, now waking up.  We have seen that the story really speaks to Israel and its standing before God - condemned.  And now?

Well, I really hate it when every single scripture is used to make a point that must apply to us in our life, because after all, if God said it, then it must apply!  Obviously, I do not agree with this line of reasoning, however let us work on at the idea and see how it fits together, if true.....

What kind of child are you?

Are you the kind whom is self seeking and self satisfied before God?

Are you the kind whom believes you are smarter than God?

Stopping here for a moment, that is where most Western Christians are .....  No you would never say you are smarter than God, you might not even think that!  But, that is exactly how you live your life.  "Oh, God is not going to really care about ..... fill in your most private thought or source of sin here ....."  Yeah, it suddenly gets way to personal!  We all fail, we all sin, we all know this - but it is the minority whom would admit it to God and then actually repent - which means REPENTANCE - "to change".   I fail, I agree with God I fail, I struggle in faith (because it is all I really do have!) to not walk that road again.

Do you actually support God's ministries?
Or are you just tossing in a dime because you are so broke due to all of your debts?  Psst!  You are not suppose to be in debt in the first place, so you already lose this argument.  I could go on but since I have only met one or two people in my life not under massive debt, well, we all lose.  I probably more than you.  However, I am attempting to at least honor my debt and not abandon my debts, as hard as that is.

Are you the kind of child whom says "Yes" to God?
But then does what they want anyway, or fails to do what He asks and they promised?  So very common, to fail by acknowledging you know better but there is really no time with all of the demands in our modern lives, especially in front of the game machine.  It's important right?  Nope ...

So what unforgiveness do you harbor in your heart? 
Notice that I am not assuming here, I am pretty sure you have a problem with unforgiveness.  It is human nature to nurture the wrongs done us in life, to hold others to a standard we are not willing to be held to ourselves, to condemn and never apologize.

I will admit I have three people right now that I am having a problem with.  Well in truth, two of them I have forgiven already but they need to understand what they did and be willing to be forgiven.  They are not there yet and may never be, but at least it does not eat at me other than the loss of fellowship with them.  That leave one ..... and admittedly it is just safer to leave it buried than to expose them for what they are.  I doubt my heart could take the stress anymore.

When was the last time you sat down and read your Bible?
No, not inspiring books about the Bible.  No, not study materials about books of the Bible.  No, not testimonies of those whom have come before us.  No, no books on special studies using the Bible as their basis.

The real Bible, your choice of translation.  Read it, study it, ignore the dirth of materials out there whose sole purpose is to lead you into their way of thinking ...

- - - - -

So, I think we can see that many of us are the younger son, and many of us are the older son.  Both unfaithful and both unworthy to be called children of the most high!  Yet, guess what!  He will take us back as His own, when we return to Him of our own free will!

And then will come the feast and the celbration!

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