Monday, June 24, 2013

One Year Mark

So today marks the last day my daughter was to be civil with me, one year ago.

God told me that morning of what all was to come and I fought, and prayed, and pleaded, for none of the past year occur, and yet it did.

Nothing has really changed inside of me.  Holding at where I was June 23, 2012.  Not stagnant but waiting, it was what I was told to do.  What I have been constantly reminded to do.  So I do.

I have watched the erosion of all of my friends save two (and I worry about one of them!), the end of my family, the end of my church life, the end of my testimony.  Yet, I stand and wait and all those opposed to me are now wondering.  I am innocent of the lies told, the gossip which not only destroyed me but my daughter's credibility as well.  That is all there is left in the smoldering ruins of her hate.  Someday her mother and me are going to have a very long talk.

Of course, much more has happened across the past year, much of it tremendously awesome.  Such as the beginnings of my niece's journey.  And though I still do not have the reason for it, my loosing my grant moneys and therefore college degree i was working on - just shy of graduation.  Yeah, we will find out one day, right?

So, I continue to pray for God's leading, God's path, God's healing for all of the players in my life.

And even for a few no  longer in my life.

Attenzione piccola.....

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