Monday, June 3, 2013

Now You See Me

I met my niece at the theater on Friday night to see World War Z, but it was not out yet.  But, I know they had an ad on the tele giving Friday night as the opening, so guess I was wrong.  So, Now You See Me, was the winner.

No stars of any note.  Sure I know lots of people like some of them, but none of them have done anything of note other than Morgan Freeman.  I am glad he is still working but this sure was not one of his better roles, just an extra and his acting effort showed it.  Well, Michael Caine appears throughout, like Morgan in a supporting role.  He so rarely plays a strong character that I almost do not notice him in a film.

Right off the bat we have a "gosh I have to get out of my clothes scene!", and I turned and was just about to ask my niece if this was now the time to leave, but apparently they went no further than to reach underwear and it was over faster than I could ask her!  It had no purpose in the movie, should not have been in there, just another example of how Hollywood can not understand the concept of a non-formula approach to a film.  Thankfully, that was all there was to be offensive in the film.

So, outside of 45 seconds, the rest of the two hour film was tremendously enjoyable!  It was cute.  Which is definitely not my type of film but its cuteness is in telling a good story so well, that you do not see the end coming!

The magic, which I guess is what the director wants to wow you with, is not much more intricate than a magic set I got in 7th grade.  Pretty easystuff, some completely impossible, it is Hollywood hype.  Maybe the director bought stock in a magic supply company?  So, if you expect David Cooperfield (cough-cough) level of magic, nope not going to happen!

So, outside of the 45 seconds, the film is completely enjoyable.  Teenager friendly.  Has one good car chase so will be acceptable to all those whom are 13 year old or their intellect is.  For me it is how well the story was crafted, almost everything has a meaning which is explained at some point in the film and you go "Ahhhhhhhh...."

Probably an owner.

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