Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Father's Day

It was a mellow Father's Day, bitter sweet if you will.  I know as a "father" I failed with my daughter or at least lost the tug of war against whatever took her away - a year minus one week ago.  As with each day since June 24th, when God showed me what was to be, I have prayed for my missing daughter.  Yeah, I know, but I am the patron prayer for lost causes...  Her approval of me nor absence actually has much bearing on my prayer life - nor does my eldership's approval either.  The tricks her mother has played with her mind .....  Yeah, I pray for her as well because I have loved her as a friend and sister for a third of my life.

Conversely, my "niece", whom truthfully I do see as a type or kind of daughter, is dong so very very very well, against odds unknown to any of you.  I am very proud of her and how far she come in such a short time.  If nothing else, I am a spiritual parent and she honored me greatly Sunday.  Like daughter, she plays a major focus of my prayer life.

Like last year, son and middle daughter worked, though daughter did take me out for snacks on Friday this year.  Oldest daughter and Dutchman's son threw a father's day bash but Dutchman did not show up until it was almost over.  We still had fun.

BBQ'ed salmon, jerked chicken, Jamaican rice and beans, lemon meringue  and apple pies, plus some fruit salad and rolls.  Good eats.

Grand kids stayed over for the night, so that guaranteed an early departures and bedtime for all.

It was okay, given what my heart can take anymore, but more about that later.....

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