Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hot Wings

Youngest Daughter just loves hot wings, aka buffalo wings in some parts of the country, and eats them often.  Usually it is frozen fare.  So, I thought last night I would make some homemade ones for her.  Such a mistake!

They came out perfect, she turned her fingers orange slurping them down!  I ate one and it was marvelous!

But, there is just one problem; I am allergic to chili's of any type or in any form.....

And as I have grown older, the allergy seems to be getting more and more violent!  Bleeeeech!  One stinking hot wing and I up all night sicker than a dog.

It is just not fair, not at all.  Something I love so much, should be so evil to my body.


To those of you whom can eat and not die, bon appetit! when it comes to chili's.  I guess I am just going to have to learn to be good....

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