Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How Stupid Are You

Had an interesting call from my cousin tonight - asking how long does Sarin Gas last?  Huh!?!

So I had to look and sure enough there in black and white was a news story that research labs in Britian and France had confirmed the usage of Sarin Gas in Syria.  I sat dumbfounded and had to read this three times to get it into my head.  Obviously a governmental news release.  And just how stupid do they think people are?

You see, in summer weather, Sarin has a lifecycle of only 30 minutes at the most.  In cooler weather, like a snow storm, it will last up to 8 hours.

And here are two labratories working on days old samples claiming to have found Sarin gas in soil samples .....

The only way out of this one is for these labs to claim they detected hydro-carbons and someone translated this into evidence of Sarin Gas.  Yeah, all you are going to find in a broken down Sarin sample is hydro-carbons.  Sigh.

No, I am not a Sarin expert anything, my father was, and he never talked.  But, I know how to read, including a chemical formula.  I even managed the disluck of being present at a Sarin accident.  It kills extremely fast, they were dead before they even hit the ground, one guy only managed half of a step.  Gruesome might be the best expression of this from the viewpoint of humanity.  Yours truly only lived because the ever so slight breeze was behind me, the Sarin dropped in front of me.  Nothing like burning your brand new tennis shoes and pants.  Sure glad I am German without an embarassment gene....  Unlike all of the dead and severely injured Japanese whom inhaled the vapors.

Yes, God can spare you from even the unexpected, not just your own stupidity.....

So, how stupid do you feel the newspapers and probably the government agents whom sourced this tripe, think you really are?

Question everything, research always, and let no one give you your opinion ..... that is your responsibility alone.

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