Monday, January 28, 2013

Your Help Is Here

Thinking on John 16:5-8.

Realize that the Holy Spirit is to your advantage.
Jesus promised to send the Spirit, to be with the believers after His departure.
Of course His followers were a little unsure as to what was meant, since who or what is that Spirit thing He was referring to?
And, they had a point.  You will not find anything in the Bible called the Holy Spirit in the "Old" Testament.  Instead you have the Breath, Wind, Ghost, Hand, Comfort, etc.  The concept of the Holy Spirit was not well defined to them.
But, Jesus did make the point, if He did not leave, the Spirit would not come.
Jesus saw what the Apostles could not, there would be great advantage to them, in having the Holy Spirit.

Recognize the Holy Spirit is living in you now!
The Holy Spirit has a mind of its own.  Romans
The Holy Spirit speaks.  Acts 13:2
The Holy Spirit has a will.  1 Corinthians 12:11
The Holy Spirit commands us.  Acts 8:28
The Holy Spirit has emotion.  Ephesians 4:30

Relax, the Holy Spirit does all of the work!
To those whom cling to the "God helps those, whom help themselves" crowd.  Sorry, but God does not work this way, nor does the Holy Spirit.  Yes, there is a point at which you must act - at the Spirit's prodding, but when done on your own - you will only make a mess and give other Christians black eyes!

The Holy Spirt, a part of God, seperate from God, here to empower you in performing God's task He has set for you.....

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