Friday, January 4, 2013

The Backwards God

Have you ever noticed at how somethings in the Bible are just sort of backwards from how they should have been?

Thinking on John 12:20-26

So, there is this baby, whom is born in Bethlehem.  Who was there?  Yeah, shepherds.  So, whom were the shepherds?  Well, if you were thinking of men whom could testify in court as to the birth, you would be wrong.  Shepherds were the children of the flock owner.  Probably 10 and under in age.  So, you would think God would have witnesses of good character, but He provided those whose testimony was worthless.  Hmnmmm.

We live in a pagan culture anymore.  God is a four letter word at the most.  But, you would expect to encounter at least a few whom are genuinely seeking to know this God, only that is the very rare person.  No, you get the curious, not the seeking.  Well, if they are seeking, they do not know it until after they see what makes you tick.....

Want to witness and plant seeds for God's harvest? 
Well, then be praying for God to give you people to witness to.  Only problem is that your witness is going to be your life, not a story of how you found salvation.  Yeah, you are being watched and how you are living your life is what is communicating to everyone around you - what makes you different and how real is this God guy in your life.  Hmmmmmm.

Of course, in order to witness, you have to be able to care for others genuinely!  Just living your life is not enough.

So, desire to witness, be genuine with people, show your life - even the warts, and then you will be able to share the WORD.

Show your LIFE through your DEATH!
As human being you can live quite the life.  My father certainly did!  But, he lived and died as an atheist.  In my book, comparing just my experiences with his, he never lived at all.  You have to die to yourself and to the calling of fleshly desires before you will ever be able to live!  No this is not a call for asceticism.  But by your living your life in truth before others, demonstrates your death not only to ourself but to others as well, as our form of witness to the truth which is in us.

Think about your conversations.  Is your favorite conversation about you?  Do you like to talk about you?  Are your prayers just a never ending shopping list of whats and desires?  Then go back one paragraph and re-read.....

Lead others by following Him!
In verse 25, you have to follow, serve, be obedient.  You have to be where Jesus is!
I had a discussion on this several years ago with another Christian and he commented on how we can not all be "professional Christians".  Really? 

There is only one kind of Christian and no, they are not professionals, they are very, very real.....

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