Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happily Flattened

Ah, the joys of muscle relaxants ..... Seems yesterday's auto accident left me with a bruised collar bone, both knees, left shoulder, sprained neck and back.  Sigh ..... And I had been getting myself off of meds at night.  Oh well.

I took my friend, of two months, to lunch yesterday.  I needed to know that there was someone whom actually cared about me, not the car, not the money, not to make them a meal, or work on plumbing, etc.  I needed, for me .....

Do you know how rare that is?  Like perhaps the first time in my adult life, well and with a newborn emotion, I guess that is reasonable.  And my friend, I knew would be the only one whom could help with the turmoil throughout my being.

I needed someone whom wanted to talk with me, literally someone to tell me that it would all work out, and had they of told me to pack for that long walk I would have.  I have no fear of a future begun at zero and with a friend at my side, well that is more than many have.  I only see chaos and destruction around me here, more and more I recognize all that I have known to have just been a series of takers and users - sucking me dry of everything there was and now embittered there is nothing left - save for my blood.  I think myself mad when all around me are calling evil - good and good - evil.  Deeds no longer matter, the appearance does, and that is relative to them and their decisions, reality plays no part any longer.

And yet, God is still answering my prayers, He is still leading me towards a path I have no clue as to how to not to fail myself as I step forward.  It contradicts even whom I have been.  And evil will be thought of me and I have no understanding as to how this accomplishes something!  Why not just walk away now?  Indeed.

So, my friend turned me on to Portlandia.  Are you familiar with this?  OMG it is hilarious!  It perked my spirits right up because they so easily portray those in Portland, Oregon but also take it to the next absurd level!  This clip is of a song number, not the comedy sketches, but it is so Portlandian that you will have to laugh!

When you see the heavily tattooed red-haired dude, just know that I spent Monday with him and his charming wife, actually in Portlandia at a birthday party for one of "my" boys from back in 1977!  Of course, he has lost the beard now but yeah, I recognized him right off!  And I had to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.  Two hours of this have really raised my spirits.

And so, my Dear Friend, your first official recognition in Bloglandia.  And my impish nature likes not saying anymore about you - other than you make me laugh.

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