Wednesday, January 16, 2013

@ 58 + 1 Day

This has been such a delightful week!

Sunday, the miracle of two answered prayers, which gives me hope that by standing firm - something is going to happen!  Not necessarily on those subjects, but perhaps by way of witness to others or even myself.

Monday, I got a load off of my chest and still waiting to see what will come of that.  I know the pastor got his "You Suck!" message, but no reply.  There has been no comment from anyone!  Interesting.  I told brother Timothy that if he hears that I have gone insane, I hadn't - I am just being wiser and ridding my life of the baggage that has dragged me down across the past year!

Since it was my birthday, youngest daughter took me to lunch at a little Irish pub here in town.  It was extremely funny because she is blond, was classical blond at lunch, and honestly had the pub roaring with her antics!  It is like there would be no normal action, thought or words for her at lunch.  I was crying I was laughing so hard!

The family, minus son, all gathered for dinner, plus Niece and the three grandchildren.  Crazy times, once the kids were fed and some sugar in them!  And they were off like spinning tops.....

The day was saddened as I was to hear that Swedish Rocket Scientist, Retired, 's aunt had a stroke in the morning.  She is almost 100 and SRS,R is the next oldest in his family.  Yeah, he is freaked about that one, so he cancelled his trip to Antarctica, leaving on Friday to go and join his aunt as she begins recovery.  I told him that was the honorable choice and the one that really matters.  If you would like to pray for Ellelyn's salvation, now would be a good time!

And today, Niece took me out to lunch and told me I needed to have a Birthday Week!, maybe even a birthday Month!  Wow, I like how she thinks!  And considering that I had no birthday last year, it makes it sound all the better!

So much more I would like to say, but that has been said to those whom it applies to.  :)

My spirit is content, mentally I am happy, physically I may have re-broken my left foot, emotionally I am floating on gossamer wings...... 

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