Friday, January 25, 2013

Still Recovering

It was a busy day yesterday, I tried to rout the drains myself and with my damaged body form the auto accident - it did not go well.  I pretty much loss of use to my left side, reminding me greatly of my father after one of his strokes.  sigh.

So, I was chatting with Dear Friend on FaceBook when I lost all control.  Probably pretty weird to be having a conversation and then they are gone for 10 hours with no explanation.  Weird how the body works.

It appears that my car is going to be totalled by the insurance company, that telephone pole just did too much damage.  But, I am thankful for the Lincoln because it took a beating between the other car and the pole.  So now in the market for another car.  sigh.

Well, the day calls.  I need to get ready for the professional drain router to show up and do it right!  Then tonight my new friend and I are going to the Seattle Art Museum, ought to be fun to see what those whack-O's are up to!

So saving my left arm and stopping typing now.


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