Monday, January 14, 2013

Sort of Freaky

So, my hands were feeling a bit odd last week, it was far from my most major concern since it was a week for the books!

In any event three times last week I had my right index finger lock up on me.  Too weird.  So, had to ask around if anyone had any experience with this and was told that both tendon problems and calcium cause this.

Well, yeah, I do have tendon problems - they are too loose, hence I am double jointed all over the body.  So I could guess that was not the problem.

I do take calcium and D3, calcium is supposed to help with cancer fighting (and I have had cancer 5 times after all!) and D3 because I live in the northern climes.  So, I cut back to one and no weird hand feelings for days and then another lock up.  So I cut back to none and no weird tingling or lock ups repeated.  Very weird if you ask me!

But, it makes you think about how small the balance is within our bodies.  How just traces of something one way or another can have some very odd or damaging effects upon ourselves or others.

I wonder when we will find out how all of these recent shootings have been traced to a common anti-depressant or similar?

Makes ya wonder.....

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