Thursday, January 3, 2013

When God Calls On You

So, Christmas Season is over but why not still look at the story of Mary (Miriam)?

Luke 1:26-38

God starts off by telling this 12-14 year old girl, "I love you". 
She recognized God's plan, she was open to His leading, she said "Yes", she could just as easily have said, "No!"  I have to admit before I became a Christian I always thought this text to be very odd.  Were I an early adolescent girl, knowing the small town stigma of pregnancy and the scandal - the answer has to be "No!"  Why?  Because God does not work this way, right?

Yet, this girl said yes.  And I would think on this.

One day God brought into my life, a girl by the name of Miriam, believe it or not!  We became quite good friends and so I played with this idea with her.  And her response?  She would absolutely mother the Messiah, should she be so blessed by God.  Her words, not mine!  She was Ultra Orthodox and all of the females had been raised to know that one day, one of them would bear the Messiah, if they were good enough.....  Really?  Wow!

And so here is Jesus' mother, but a girl and saying yes, I will carry this child - the same as my friend Miriam, almost 2000 years later.  Wow!  It gave me quite a view into the mindset of the devote Jew.  Her father went on to become quite a good friend of mine and I was to learn quite a bit about the real devoted Jew.

"I have plans for you", continues the angel telling of God's announcement to Mary.
Plans included His love for her, a sizable task for her involving His path for her life, His care for her, His support for her.

"I am waiting for you to respond"
Even if you can not understand what God is up to, even if you can not see the purpose for what He is doing, He will you use you if you tell Him you are willing to be used and directed by His Will.

Lesson to be learned here? 
When God calls on you, you would do well to listen to what He has to say, choose to participate in His plan and not panic at the details.....

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