Tuesday, January 22, 2013


You know, with 1 major and 156 minor heart attacks to my credit last year, you would think that my life should be as stress free as possible.  But, it seems that Satan uses every tool at his disposal to take whacks at me.

Today it was an auto accident.  Major for the lady I hit because it killed her car, permanently.  Minor because my car was only lightly hurt, given that the car also took out a light pole.  God was protecting me.

It had been a good day.  I was on my way home from school, less than a mile away, when that lady pulled a U-turn off of a shoulder and left me with so little reaction time I could not even leave a skid mark!  Major because Gaelic Girl lit into me like there was no tomorrow.  Well, it was her car, but hardly my fault.

But, it brought to  a head, exactly what I had finished praying only seconds before I turned on to that road: what is God going to do about healing the relationship between GG and me - or - what is He going to do to kill it?  Let me just say that the ball certainly got pushed in a poor direction from my viewpoint (at this time).  It was not the car, it was not that I was not critically injured, which I think she hoped for, but it was the money this represented.  The car is insured, so that is not it, but she just exploded over how there is no money any more.

I had to remind her that everything has gone up in price by about 30% while our earning potential is flat.  Well, except for when she is in Texas, as all of her expenses are then covered.  Lots of anger directed at me.

And that lone emotion, you remember - the one whom is untouchable so far?  Took the hit.  I thought I was going to have another heart attack.  But, I stood for what God has done in my life across the past year (without her permission!) and what decisions it looks like I will be making in the near future.

Her parting shot to me was if I left this church, which she likes, then it is over.  And Germans just love ultimatums.....

So, her lack of concern for my injuries was noted, the ultimatum noted, etc for the past three years.  But, I am after-all a sociopath, so all of this is just data and I have not completed gathering sufficient to take to her therapist or to take that first step upon that roadway to a place far away.

And I am reminded of November 2011, when God asked me if I would do anything for Him - and I said yes.  And He asked me if I was willing to lose everything for Him - and I said yes again.  And God so blessed me across that prior year!  And it is costing me everything.....

But, I have now known Love and I have seen Love - and I captured those memories in verse to always remember.  And I have one that I can trust, my equal it seems, or a kindred spirit.  And I have one long term friend active in my life.

I may be losing everything, but I am growing into a very rich man.

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