Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am very tempted to write this in a very different manner, because God brought to mind my old friend Spook, whom you can read about elsewhere on this site.  The story is not that far from a 1980's incident few are aware of.....

Had the movie ended at the opening credits, it would have already been worth the ticket price.  It was awesome.  But, there was still a two hour movie behind this and it was - very different, very good, and were it not a Bond, it still would have been a great movie.  But, for the reality of what happened .....

Spook and his life came back sharply into focus in my mind as the story unwound.  I probably have not thought of him in over a year, maybe two.  I think Daniel Craig does a commendable job of  portraying the man Spook was, though Spook had far more blood on his hands than Bond would ever dream of - because no one would believe it.  But, Craig never could portray the loss of humanity this life actually brings in reality, nor the damage done to the soul.  In Spook that damage, he could recognize but not understand because he had no basis for which to understand from.  Though Pierce Brosnon did a decent job of this, but not the rest.  This I am assured is why God brought me into his life - a broken man, showing another broken man, that life does not have to be this way.  Now that I think of it, just search on Spook and read his story - remember that the oldest is the earliest in the sequence.

Back to Skyfall.

One of the best chase sequences I have ever seen, believable situations, timely in its message, yeah a fantasy but not so unbelievable.

The bad, humorous shooting sequences they should have known better about.  Have to have one "sex" scene every 20 minutes or so, but since there is no real nudity, still older teen friendly.  Unfortunately, everyone ends up getting killed, so the movie probably ought to have been called Resurrection, at least for Bond.

Were it not for Quantum of Solace, this is probably the best of the series yet.  But, QofS had something no other Bond contained and I am not going to tell you what it was that would make me vote for it as best Bond ever.  I will let that be my secret.....

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