Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God versus Political Correctness

"I am the Way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me....."  With these words, Jesus set himself apart from man and clearly announced that He was the way to God, not the tradition of Judaism Israel had practiced for two millenia.  Not only was Jesus not politically correct in His day, He remains so to this day!  Absolutes are never tolerated.....

If Jesus is the only way to God, then all other spiritual paths/roads do not lead to Heaven! 

People in our culture like to harken back to the good old days.  Movies like Miracle on 34th Street or It's a Wonderful Life, have huge following - looking back at a time where there must have been more purity and innocence in our culture than we have today.  But, try as one might, those days are not going to come back to a culture hell bent on ..... well, that is the point!  We are running away from God so fast that it is hard to just keep up!  If you want to witness within this culture.....

We are no longer a homogenous society, I am not exactly sure America ever was.  Religious pluralism is rampant even within our churches and amongst our friends.  So many want God on their terms and not His.  Or worse, the misled, then mislead the babes of the faith to make them what they think a Christian should be.  So many in the Church believe that all roads within the Church lead to God, when in fact they lead to destruction.  And what I find so fascinating, is when these believers slam face first into someone whom actually does represent the historic Jesus and Christianity - and guess whom are the intolerant one?  Yeah, the Christians wanting it all their own way and not terribly concerned whom they trample to get it.....

Religion is based upon works.
Christianity is based upon God's grace and your faith.
You really can not pick and choose your belief set, it is one or the other.  And, religion is spiritual suicide.

"I am the path, the only way to God"  Jesus really could not have made it anymore clear.
If you have no truth - you are not knowing the freedom salvation brings.
If you have no life - you have no living.
The "Way", the original term for Christianity, brings us to God - not our own ways, not things of this Earth.

When you communicate the Gospel, do so with compassion, speak the truth of Jesus in love.
But, you need to listen as well as speak!  Give the answers sought.  Do this with genuineness and respect for whom you are speaking.  Do this in love.

Yes, absolutes are not politically correct, but that does not make them wrong.  Concrete is concrete, you can call it a feather but it is going to hurt if dropped on you!  Being concrete about the truth is not cruel, it is being kind, it is the only form of love we actually have when it comes to the absolutes of this life.  To modify or tone down Jesus' message is to inflict tremendous cruelty upon the world.  So, set forth!  Be politically incorrect!  Be narrow-minded!  It is what a world of lost people need to hear and ultimately what it wants to hear.
Of course, it is all also what it does not want to hear because with knowledge comes responsibility.....

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