Saturday, October 6, 2012

Musical Saturday Morning

Aw yes dear readers, it is the first Saturday of the month and my much anticipated musical pick for the day and month!  This one was a hard one, I knew the group I was going to go for, I was pretty sure of the song, but it has a problem.  For those of us whom were in Britain in 1980's we know a very different version of the original release of this video!  This one is the extended American version, about two minutes longer than the usual American version - minus all things British!  No, if you are in America you can not even Google much less find it on YouTube, remember we live in a FREE society.  Free to watch what the Government allows.  (sorry this is also true for India and Islamic countries as well) LOL!

Okay, for my little guessers out there, whom send me notes every time I post a music video - YES, this video ACTUALLY does mean something!  It does carry a HIDDEN message!  If you understand it you not only will understand something about the usage of the non Greek philosophical brain, but also about William Shakespeare, Simon LeBon and myself.....  (no, I am not gay!  just to get that one out of the way!  wrong message dudes!)  Odds of getting this right, even with Google's help? 1:300,000 on the low side!  So, not real bad odds, better than being hit by lightening or shot by one of Dick Cheney's shotguns.  Good luck my assorted geniuses, yeah I will figure out a prize for the winner.....  :^)

So, it is 1981, a group only three years old bursts out onto the international scene.  Their music pretty good, their songs sometimes overtly sexist, the head man had the looks and the voice, their videos shot to purposefully point you in the wrong direction and if it involves nude or semi-nude women, so much the better in Britain anyways - the rest become history and yes they did rule the 1980's then quietly died away having spent all of their creativity and energy....  So sad.  Duran-Duran and New Moon on Monday:

Remember it does have a real meaning in history, in Simon LeBon's life and my own.  Whatever could it be.....?  You need to define: New Moon on Monday, Torch, the shadowy figures, the kite, why was Simon unnerved by the old woman, and what is the prison not eluded to by the song.....  With the above clues, and non Greek help, this was solved in 45 minutes, how long will it take you?

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