Friday, October 26, 2012

The Joy Is In The Service

Our culture seems to have become so isolated that we no longer understand the joy to be found in Christianity is in how we can serve God through serving others.  We are really, really, good at a taking, at talking, at watching - but as a whole the idea that you are to get up and serve - and find true joy in that - is lost on this generation and culture.  We are a church dying of our own apathy.

John 13 gives us the quaint tale of Jesus washing the apostles' feet.  Well, that is how we view it.  Within its context, it was unheard of!  This was a scandal!  The master was washing the feet of the students!  This was headline news of the day!

At least where I live, no one washes anyone's feet unless they really have a problem or think that this is something that should be a part of a wedding ceremony.  Yawn.....  But, service is much, oh so much more!

Jesus modeled for us the having of a servants heart, even when the one in charge and doing the leading.  So we can read what He did, we can then emulate what He did.  No, we do not have to wash anyone's feet, be that is how low we are to go in order to be of service to others.  In your doing, as Jesus has led, you then model Jesus for others to observe and then they can model this themselves, in their service to others.  And then through us, they see Jesus.

You can use your time, your talents and your treasure to show Jesus to others, within and without the church.  Jesus needs to be seen from within our families to the most remote person to observe us on any given day.  And, yes, you are being watched - by far more than you know.

You serve Jesus only by serving others.  No this is not the tv news stuff or anything that would bring you glory before man and it is not something you can use to bargain with, with God.  Through your service you are to honor God and make disciples.  Serve God, serve others, Love God, Love others.

God is not above blessing us for what we do, asked or unasked by Him.  Of course, you will not find blessings in doing without having repented, or while in rebellion, or while in sin - just kiss that good bye and get right with God now!  Not sure where you stand with God?  Well, then you might have your answer right there.  Know exactly where you stand and ready to reap the blessings?  Best checkout your pride levels first and start over at humility before preceding!

You can know your Bible better than anyone you have ever encountered and still not be a Christian (I saw this just this year!).  If you are a Christian, you can be a mighty lousy one!  It has everything to do with your heart and where you have placed your faith and in our culture - what you are rebelling against!  You would be amazed at how the first questions I am having to ask those coming to me this year are - 1) how are you rebelling against God; 2) how have you failed to forgive.  Two major sticking points with God.

Yeah, the answers to those two questions points can and will completely rob you all Joy you will ever experience in your Christian walk.  God has an expectation of you - and it is not you living your life the way to expect to or want to.  It is by His rules only.

If you can get past those two points, if you can serve with no expectation, your Joy will be very great.  Of course, it all depends upon you.....

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