Thursday, October 11, 2012

What - Is - Love?

In the middle of Monday's song I posted, Peter Furler ad lib'ed the question, "What Is Love?", and the song continues as published, almost - James ad lib'ed part of a verse as well, leaving one to wonder at whom he was thinking about as he recorded the voice track.....  Little things always interest me.  And given how this week has gone so far, Furler's question has hung heavily on my heart and mind.

I would have so liked to have not been able to answer it.  In fact, prior to May I never could have, but in three blinding weeks - God left me staggered, having seen and known love - an emotion so alien and foreign to me, I still have no defense against it.  It sits as a gaping wound, which God uses daily to rally me to prayer for the lone target that emotion was constructed for.  You have no idea how I fought and raged against it, finally being forced to yield to God's will, not my own......

John 14:15-24
God created Love, without Him we can not even know True Love.
True Love was created to be shared with all, throughout our lives.
True Love is to pulsate through our life.  We can not manipulate it, or God, or others with it.
Only with True Love will you be able to "...keep my commandments...".
The Holy Spirit comes to empower you in Love, to assist you in doing as you have been instructed.
If we do as He commands, we can have no fear of failure.
His Love flowing through us shows His relationship with us.
True Love is His intensity through us, in concert with obedience.
In order to live His commands, we must live His Love.

Unlike the non-regenerate world, we are not to be living by our own rules and calling Him King.
We are to live by His rules, with Him as our King, in submission to Him and what Authority He has placed over us.

What Is Love?  Living God's Will in our life, for others, to the detriment of our own.....

John 15:12-13
12    My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
13    Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Never lose sight of this goal Jesus issued to all of us, lest we forget and become lost - as so many in our day have become.....

Postscript: Given the horror of Sunday night and Monday's discussions, I find myself at quite a loss.  And so what did I learn from three days of prayer and study?  That true love is of God, not of my baser nature.  That what God gave me was and is needed by Him and my daughter.  That ultimately, His Love through me will win - because it remains the only beacon of true love in her life.  But, I might be mighty worn out before this happens.  And she will probably be far more damaged.  And until that day, I have very much to do.....

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