Monday, October 22, 2012

Another Death

It has been a hard year already, only made more so by the numerous deaths of friends and men whom I respected.  Thursday night was to be the night for Ray to be called home.

I never posted much about him in the past as he was someone I went to for answers or just to hang with.  I met him back in 1992, he was already a long term member of the church I now go to at that point.  I only met him as I was in the area and stopped in for Sunday morning worship - which was to spawn visits from me through 1998, when ever I was in town.  And he as always there, the same smile, the same friendliness.

Old enough to be my grandfather, and probably why I liked him so much, he was overly open with me throughout the years - sharing stories of the successes and failures in his life.  He saw himself as a failure, the world saw him as a success.  But, his heart was wounded by the goings on of his children.

Which brings me to the question I have written about often this year: what is the measure of a man?

Ray was a heavily traveled journeyer around this planet - there may have been no where he had not gone at least once.  Involved in several wars, some you never heard of, he had a strong sense of life and the cost of war.  During WWII he worked at developing ways of combating German radar electronically.  He was an avid mountain climber, tutor, big brother member, business man, etc, etc, etc!  And for all of this the world saw him as a success.

But, he was also a friend to many, a pseudo-father to many - such as myself.  His children by his first family did not do so well and he had no children by his second marriage.

And so we few gathered to remember a man whom had been a friend and a father.  Where his children each gave a moving testimony of what it took for them to come to Christ, as did his grandchildren and even great-grandchildren!

In the end, what he had always desired had happened - his family had come to salvation, his family had gathered to pay its respects, his family was reunited.

What is the measure of a man?

The tears he shed for decades over his children.  The thousands of hours of prayer offered up for their salvation and reconciliation.  A testimony lived through a life that was painful, where joy was robbed by the failures of his children and their children as well.  Being always there to offer love - when it was not desired in the slightest.....  The wounds he bore from their hatred and failures.....

Ray was probably the greatest success I have ever known - because he not only placed value where it actually lay but he lived long enough to see the success of his life and prayers.

You are already missed my friend and it has not even  been 30 hours as I sit and type this.......

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