Friday, June 3, 2011

They Never Came and Will Never Leave!

"They" are those whom came to the wreak of Christianity, after the faith has been lost.  They have no reason to leave because the faith has become self serving - they are happy here!  So, remembering my last post, that change is needed, let's see where we are going today:

John 6:70 and 71 we have to start by thinking about Judas.....

Everything you could say about Peter, John, Andrew, even James - would be also true about Judas.  Judas was one of the inner 12, he was trusted, he was the group's treasurer - he had authority.

No one saw his betrayal coming - each of the other 11 wondered if it might have been them whom would be the betrayer of Jesus.

Was Judas' sell out about money, disappointment, looking out for number 1 or was he just trying to force Jesus to reveal whom he really was?  Lots of theories, currently only God knows the answer to that one!  (I think it was the latter.)

So, Judas came.  He stayed.  He never really understood because he was really never one of them.

How like our church today!  Pews filled with people whom have no reason to leave because after all, attending church gets you to Heaven, right?  Churched people whom should be feasting on the glories of the Holy Spirit but instead are dead in the pews and in their lives.  Participation is optional, right?  And in time discontent enters their hearts - could it be the music or a particularly convicting sermon or just a remark by someone.  And the door is open for Satan take their unguarded hearts.....  Well, if you are awake you know the chaos Satan can introduce into the church to destroy it, the believers, the young in the faith.....

And what is it you are not going to like?  The role you must play in the non Christian Church of today - you must acquire the gift of DISCERNMENT!  Oh yeah that one gift you are almost never going to see because almost no one seems to have it today!

So, where do you find discernment?  Well, it is a sign gift from the Holy Spirit.  He can give it to you or you could even ask and it will be given to you.  But, in the meantime you might start to study your Bible, in earnest!  Through study you can begin to see the fingerprints and footprints of God - not only in the Bible but by observation of the world around you.  Believe it or not, God works the same to day, as He did 4000 years ago, as He will be doing tomorrow!  If you can see what is of God, then you also will have learned to see what is of man and his folly.  A start and one day perhaps discernment will be yours.  And you can be hated by those whose schemes you interrupt!

On the other hand, God might have another or other gift(s) for you to support your role and responsibility within the Church.  But having the ability to know right from wrong, truth from error, and intent - will only assist you, your ministry and your church.

Oh but don't worry - I have much more to say next time!

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