Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Huge FAIL for NBC

So, NBC "accidentally" edits out "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, not only once - but twice?  Sorry, I am not that stupid.

Is there some reason that NBC is incapable of keeping their anti-religious, anti-conservative editors in control?  By not openly firing these people, I guess we will know where NBC really stands concerning the country they use for sheltering their freedoms.

Sorry NBC we have seen your true colors for far too long.  May your stock fail mightily and take your cretins to Cuba with you, where you really belong......  Of course, failing that, perhaps if everyone would just email their local NBC affiliate and let them know their feeble excuses are not appreciated and you will not watch their stations for a month - now that will hit them where it hurts!

But I will leave it to a man I have respected my entire life -
http://youtu.be/TZBTyTWOZCM- and isn't it a shame that a Swiss/German citizen has to remind you of what you once had?


Robin said...

My thoughts exactly.

KJP said...

thank you Robin. i have now added a link by one of my favorite men.....