Monday, June 27, 2011

Old Wounds

Father, for all his being a genius, was just about as dumb as a stump when it came to dealing with people - he had a complete disregard for them.  Mother, for her being near genius in intelligence, never was able to overcome her childhood.  So, it should not be so shocking that these two were destined to end up divorced and a dirty one at that - dragging friends and neighbors into the fray.  That disaster began 40 years ago today,

So, my long lost friend Chuck, whom contacted me out of the blue, was trying to find my mother because his mother wants to get a hold of her.  My mother is a bit tricky to get a hold of.  She will only answer a phone if it suits her at that moment and then if she does you may or may not get a lunatic on the other end of the line.  She also sells at antique shows so is generally not around when someone needs to reach her.  (I am working on her accepting the technology of a cell phone!)

Once I did manage to get her on the phone, I told her about Chuck popping up and Anne wanting to get back in touch - after all of these years.  NUCLEAR BLAST!  all over me.....

So, it seems that Anne had taken father's 'side' in the divorce and in short, mother was never going to see or hear from that woman again!

Whatever!  I am just the unfortunate messenger on that one.  I told Chuck I am not going to get into it and if he is wise, neither will he.....


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