Thursday, June 2, 2011

Go Against The Flow

There can be little argument today that America's theological influence on Western Christianity has created the post-christian world we are stuck with.  When I first pointed this out, in print in 1981, I was blasted out of anyone ever wanting my material again and called an alarmist.  Really?  Where once Christian ideals brought balance to life, anarchy now rules throughout civilization, thanks to the "Americanized" church.

My current pastor told me the other day he read 15% polled claim to have NO religion at all.  That is twice the percentage of ten years ago!  And we are not talking willing to be called a Christian here - just to consider yourself 'religious'.

So, as we observe society becoming less and less Christian - we must task ourselves with Bible study, service and prayer - all the more in our personal lives!  Well, unless you really want Christianity to have NO impact in your future!

Things looked real bad for the disciples when Jesus was rejected by the crowds because he would not proclaim himself an earthly ruler.  In John 6:56-69, Peter got the answer right to Jesus' question - there is NO one else you can follow!

Peter had a personal relationship with Jesus and he stayed for that very reason.  He had listened, he had observed - and more importantly - he stayed faithful to Jesus, even as the crowd abandoned Him on that now lonely Jerusalem location.

We as Christians must note the crowds are turning against the simplicity of the Gospel, they still are seeking to have their earthly desires filled.  These crowds do not understand we are not about making their lives better, we are offering what their soul longs for - not their stomachs.  Yeah, a famous Christian once said, forty years ago, you can not witness to empty stomachs.  I think we have seen where that bright idea has gone - feeding and no witnessing.

Today's point?

The crowd has already dwindled around the concept of Christianity, they are moving along and chasing other dreams.  You can go with them or you can stay submissive to Jesus and His leading.  The choice has always been yours.

But, if you stay - there is a cost now that you might not expect nor want to accept....

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