Friday, June 3, 2011

The Return of Cheap Grace

When I was in Bible school, one of my professors gave me what he thought was going to be an easy assignment for the weird Reformation follower in the class - unfortunately it almost led to his firing from the staff and my causing quite an uproar, unintentionally!  Truth and political correctness are not compatible it seems.

The class was Christian History, the assignment as Dietrich Bonhoeffer's place in history as a Christian martyr.  Sounds simple enough, but remember I am German.  Now the National Church (aka Lutheran to Americans) played almost no role in my life as I grew up - other than during the period when I was seeking God and the local church kept throwing me out for asking questions!

Bonhoeffer was the head of the National Church of Germany, having replaced Karl Barth, whom fled to Switzerland as Germany turned to National Socialism.  Bonhoeffer inherited a real mess.  He too in the end fled Germany, only to return when he understood that if he was to have a witness in Germany, it must be because he too suffered along with the faithful.

Unfortunately, Bonhoeffer forgot his role and made an extremely poor judgment - which cost him his life - literally in the last moments of the war.

His father and brother-in-law were involved in the plot to kill Hitler and they sought Bonhoeffer's input on the idea.  Bonhoeffer saw Hitler as the physical embodiment of Satan and gave his go ahead.  But, remember, Bonhoeffer represented the National Church!  Of course, the attempt failed, everyone was executed, Bonhoeffer being the very last and within hours of the prison being liberated.


Prior to his internment, Bonhoeffer had written a book called, "The Cost of Discipleship".  In it, he lamented the fact that the Church had become a social setting, where Christians felt there was no requirement beyond salvation to be made of them.  He called it "Cheap Grace".  He called for the Christian to understand that there is a cost in becoming a follower of Christ.  And there was a dramatic change in the National Church - however, as Bonhoeffer was to write later - the average Christian became not a dedicated follower but found a works based faith.  Piety was given birth and Bonhoeffer now understood that his book was completely misunderstood.


So Christian believer, can you understand more easily where the American Church is in regard to Christianity?
Are you spiritually able to overcome the influence of the faithless whom have captured American Theology?
Can you see those around you, whom call themselves by a name they really do not know?
Are you willing to think through your beliefs and depart the mainstream and return to Christianity?

"Cheap Grace" has killed the American Church.  Piety has destroyed what was left of the Church.  Christianity falls in-between the two extremes.  Yes, Grace has no cost to you and Christianity is marketed as a "believe once now get on with your life", happy in knowing you now have fire insurance.  Yes, in a small way, it is that but, we are called to be FOLLOWERS, DISCIPLING one another, etc.  Wait, it isn't just believe and go?  No, it is believe and FOLLOW!

Following means that you are willing to walk in Jesus' footsteps, and those footsteps will not lead you to the newest piece of junk produced by GM (or Ford, or.....)!  Those footsteps are going to lead you into the mission field of your family, amongst your friends and even perhaps into your and others' communities!

Ah, but here is where PIETY kicks in!  "I am serving Jesus by xyz'ing and you are not!"  "Don't you think Christians should - xyz?  I don't, maybe you shouldn't!"  Congratulations you have just identified yourself as not being a FOLLOWER!

Your unpleasant task in the new church is a miserable one - you get to walk the fine line between being a FOLLOWER and not falling into PIETY.  How?  Well, yesterdays' post warned you that you are going to need discernment in order to face the fallen church.....


No Dietrich Bonhoeffer was not a Christian martyr, he was tried, convicted and executed for his part in the plot to kill a national leader - no different than most other assassins.  Sorry, no Christian martyr to be found here.  And that opinion was what caused my professor, a Lutheran Pastor, to go ballistic on me in class!  If American Lutherans have a saint, his name is Dietrich Bonhoeffer.....

1 comment:

Robin said...

very thought provoking post!