Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tears In The Rain

Not a good day for me.  What I had planned to post yesterday, never worked out ... so tap dance time!

Life swirls around me, all out of my control and not much that is within my realm of being able to do anything about.  I can not make choices for others but if I could ..... my, how life would suddenly become oh so different!

The first time I ever cried in a movie was in Blade Runner.  I was up in Canada on my first trip there as an adult, so perhaps 1983.  I was hot, tired of shopping and my feet hurt, so I just kicked back and watched a movie on the hotel's system.  Never had heard of Blade Runner but it did have Harrison Ford so perhaps it would be an okay film.

I did fine through the entire film, except for the one scene where the enhanced android finally dies.  Rutger Hauer is sitting there in the rain, he knows his clock is running out and he will die (it is in the script after all!!)  and he uttered a brief paragraph of his life and all he has seen and done.  Something straight out of almost all pagan cultures, the chant/song/tale of the dead/death.  Then he adds that these memories will fade much as "tears in the rain".

OMG! That one line hit something in me.  Some aspect of Kris' non-existent humanity was touched with the truth of that statement.  All of our lives, all of our memories, good, bad, indifferent - will all just fade away in the tale of the flood of humanity aka rain.  Yeah, I am still tearing up at the memory of that moment.  But, then it has been a hard week emotionally.

Of course, all of our deeds and motivations will be known and judged at the end of time when we face our creator!

And so I will leave you here.  Perhaps another day I will have something interesting to say, but I fear that it would not be today.

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