Monday, April 21, 2014

God vs "god"

I have long held that the God I know, is not the God I see worshiped, nor referenced on the internet, and strangely not in print anymore.  I recently have read several authors whom claim Christianity has gone through a metamorphosis across the past 30 years.  What “worked” in the 1980’s no longer does and we as Christian leaders must be a part of the change to catch up with this culture or we will lose them and become irrelevant.

Irrelevant?  Just the fact that this statement was made by the top grossing Christian writer ever, I think shows just how irrelevant we have become as Christians.  It is not that we are in a post-Christian culture, or age, so much as we now find ourselves the victims of two or three generations of complacent Christians whom have handed over to us a broken religion.  Note I did not say Christianity.

For decades I have blamed this on Hollywood, TV, a culture gone mad with decadence (sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, and almost limitless money!).  I then switched to the idea that it must be the fault of the American theological system – the rot had to have started in the schools and mind you, there is plenty of evidence that there has been poison pushed into the Christian ministry from decades of un-Godly teachers in our seminaries.  But, still there has to be more.  Could it be the difference between a Reformation viewpoint and one based upon the Renaissance Movement had a difference we are just beginning to see?  The Renaissance, for all its incredible feats – produced religion based solely upon man’s reaching out to God.  Conversely, the Reformation believed that God reached out to man.  Many believe there is no difference, what do you think?

Well, I believe there is a huge difference.  If man can initiate any form of Godly activity, then salvation becomes something you are responsible for, not God.  The Holy Spirit is not something given when God decides, it is something you demand.  Etc.  The effect on your faith and your witness can be devastating spiritually.

Now what if you were to create the ultimate perfect spiritual storm?  A Renaissance faith, led by men not schooled in the true faith, a multi-media driven culture, intent upon self-service and caring little about what happens outside their closed doors?  Ultimately, we are discussing paganism, by those believing themselves to be Christian.


So, what does this contrast look like?

(The following is not approved by anyone, is not a reflection upon this Church or its staff or leadership.  It is not intended to have you draw value based judgments in any manner.  It is to show the sharp contrasts which exist within our Church culture, which still claims to be Christian.  Don’t you just love weasel words?)

God of Western Culture
God of the Bible

Nature of God
God is limited by man’s rules
God works by our desire/command
Bound by His “rules”
Primal Sin
A choice
Everybody does it
Born into it
What separates you from God
Grown into
Many ways
New life, grow/learning
New life, new person
Belief in something
An expression of belief
Personal basis for belief
A walk
Proves salvation
None required, a choice
Limited by willingness
Evidence of salvation
Form, no freedom
Freedom, no form
God’s form
God’s freedom
Holy Spirit
Does not exist in this age
No constraints
Within constraints
Used as God desires
Done on a schedule
As convenient
As commanded
Part of worship, love
“the church”
Paid professionals
Scheduled, practiced, managed
Your life
Percentage required
Blessing by % given
Limited by willingness
Expects all you have
Church uses left over funds
High visibility projects
% based on budget
Give as needs are identified
Caused by lack of faith
Blocks God’s blessings
Covered by sanctification


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