Friday, January 17, 2014

Well Wishes

My birthday had some interesting results, unexpected people popping up all day long and getting in touch.

One of "my boys" from 1977 called from New Mexico with well wishes.  Found out he is unemployed and now doing piece work for a moving company.  Um, he is 50 years old!  That is mighty hard on the body, even if you are in reasonable shape!  A very surprising first for him, wishing me a happy birthday.  I was impressed that something is changing inside of him.

Another first was my second oldest god-daughter calling with well wishes as well.  She is now an actress and I guess making a living of it.  So that was unexpected and cool.  Plus she was named for me, so she has always had a special place in my life.  That also means one of these days, her and me are going to have the "talk" - because fame and fortune are not being handled well.

Of course, lots of local well wishers called and texted all day long.  Those that chatted did so for 30 minutes or more, now consider that I had 29 calls and wow! Talk about how quickly a day can disappear!

Even my sister, whom rarely is in touch and disappeared for days after Marge died last week, sent probably 8 texts and goofy ones at that!  This was also very much out of character for her.

Equally out of character, were those whom usually are the only ones to send birthday wishes but were absent this year.  I guess those are people for whom I need to be praying for.  Dutchman has his hands full with a disaster of his youngest son's making and since this was the first birthday of mine he has missed since 1974 - always making a big deal out of it - it was noticed.

I took my mother to lunch at an Ivar's Chowder House, we share the day of our birth.  It was totally whacked.  Mother was deep into one of her fantasy/manic/paranoid delusions - this time that father was murdered by the US government and they were paying her and me off to keep us silent.  Well, mouth hanging open time.  I just agreed, getting into it would have lead to her going off like a bomb and with my grandson with me, he did not need to see that one!  I have no idea what is going on inside that head but yeah, thorium time I fear but in Washington state you can not force anyone to have a mental health evaluation without their permission.  I know, I tried several years ago to have her on court ordered meds but .....  she has to kill someone first the state informed me!

I had dinner at one of my favorite Chinese places here in town.  It was great and I had a good laugh at my fortune: "You are on the road to perfection."  Really?  Oh I laughed hard because I am on the road to insanity it seems some days!  But, yeah, as a Christian I can read into that one - that I am on the road God laid out and at the end - His perfection ... :)

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