Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Live Without Fear

We have all of these gradient words for Christians: born again, convert, believer, follower, disciple, apostle - probably more exist, my mind is tired today.

So, we could argue that this is a growing through steps or stages kind of thing, but honestly I think that is a cop out to make excuses for all of the failures and lack of commitment we witness in the "christian" church of today.  Nowhere are you called to be born again, a convert or a believer and oh, by the way, that is end for the requirement of God on you.  And yet most inside this western modern "christianity" believe is to be true!  God expects oh so much more ...

You are in fact to be a disciple of Jesus.  You are to be someone whom not only follows Jesus, hence a follower, but you are to do as He did.  This does not come naturally nor easily, but then God never said He would ever give easy assignments.  He has to make a disciple out of your willingness to so.  You get to learn.

As Christians, we are called to live in this world and yet not become a part of this world.  What is that supposed to mean?!?!?  No house, no car, no 401k, no stocks, no bonds, no marriage, no family, no anything?!?!?!?!?  You would be mostly wrong - we are expected to pay our way in this world, pay for your housing, food, expenses, etc.  But we are not supposed to be anything more than living in this world, not vested in it.

Of course, this means that we will have a greater requirement for dependence upon God in our daily lives.  And that does not come easily - God will test you, bit by bit, it will be painful - you will question your faith - you will discover fear.  And you are not to have a spirit of fear.

2 Timothy 1:8 - 14

1.  We are not supposed to be ashamed!

In Jesus
In the gospel
Of the Church
Of the messenger

2.  I am willing to suffer!
For God
For Jesus
For His Gospel

You are called to suffer
You are called to do God's Will
You may or may not suffer ~ that is God's plan/will/lesson for you

Suffering is a blessing.

3.  I will follow!
Christianity is not a list of do's and don'ts
Christianity is history
Christianity changed the world once, it can do it again!

Know what you BELIEVE!

4.  I will guard!
God will guard what we give Him

We are to guard the message of the gospel God has entrusted to us.

Today, we find ourselves caught in the perfect storm!
We live a post-Christian world because of the failure of the Christian generations before us!
Our church no longer actually believes in God's reality!
Our church no long actually believes in the power of the Holy Spirit!
Our church questions if there really was a Jesus as the Bible describes!
Our seminaries crank out non-Christians as pastors!
Our seminaries no longer teach truth of the Gospel!
Our seminaries teach man's popular doctrines of the day!
Our seminaries have abandoned Christianity.
Our pastors are beset by immorality.
Our pastors are beset by the secularness of their congregations!
Our pastors are called upon to do all WE should be doing!

So how are you going to start to make a difference in taking the world back?  The answer is to end the fear reigning in your life.  But you have to begin to withdraw from the world system you have been sold out to.

(naturally, there are many specific examples of wonderful Godly men in the pastorate and a few solid seminaries as well - but I am addressing the 90%, not the 10% of what exists)

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