Monday, January 6, 2014

The Sin of Nothing

Please read Matthew 25:14 - 30.

So I was talking my friend and we started talking about privilege and how it pushes some down and raises others up.  Well, the conversation went sideways and my points were used outside of their context and all became a mess, however it set my mind to working on a real issue in this age in which we live, by way of application ...

Doing Nothing With What You Have Been Given Is A Sin

You are to take risks!
Being a SLOTH is a sin.  consider Proverbs 22:13
Being overly cautious with what you have been given is a sin.
Being fearful of failure is a sin.

I am allowing for some common sense here in this discussion!

Take Inventory!
What are your assets?
What assumptions do you hold that stand in your way?

Take Responsibility!
We each have 24 hours in a day, but we choose to use them differently.  consider Proverbs 19:3


So, the above is all well and good.  But ...

And this is where it gets hard in this culture to understand - there is no but!  If you disagree, just read on.

If you claim to be a Christian,
If you really are a Christian,
If God is using you (and He will if  the other two are true),
Then know that this world is not the end all to anything! 

You were not created for this world!  You are a representative of God - an ambassador for His coming Kingdom, anything/everything you have is supposed to be God's.  Anything you earn is because of God.  Anything stolen from you was God's.  God will put you where you need to be.  God said that He is responsible for providing your needs (assuming you are working!).  It is when we forget any of this we fall into failure, then sin.

Because we are not a part of this world, those of the world will be exalted before us in the eyes of all and richly rewarded by the world!
We will be cheated, we will be passed over for raises and promotion, we are guaranteed the short end of the world's stick! 
If you live your faith (not obnoxiously) you will be the "queer" one of your work organizations.  Expect not be invited to parties, nor to lunch.  You get to be the one gossiped about and to have extra work reviews - because you are just not "right".  If you over produce, your work will be credited to others because you made them look lazy (which they are!).

No, you will not be treated fairly or justly - because they did not treat whom you represent fairly or justly!
And, nothing need ever be said, what is in them is opposed to what is in you!

It is just that simple.

And where Dave Ramsey and his ilk fail:

Yes, God provides for you, He may even bless you abundantly - But, those are His provisions and are to be used by you for HIM and HIS efforts.

Nowhere is there even a hint of tying up HIS assets in CD, Bearer Bonds, become a slum lord, stock market baron, etc.  If God allows you a buck you need to use that buck wisely in supporting yourself and HIS work as well.   If God allows you a million buck, exact same principle, but can you live at the same level and allow God to have the excess?

Nope, gotta invest for tomorrow, because I have no faith He can supply those needs tomorrow, like He did today.

And for all of the Ramsey-ites out there, once you are out of debt, you are now burying God's money rather than investing it in His business!  And when He returns, which of the slaves with the talents do you think He will apply to you?  Hint: He does not care about your accumulated wealth - He gave so you could too.  And, you did not,  you invested in materialism and accumulated wealth, not in His Kingdom ...

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