Friday, January 31, 2014

My Crazy Cousin

One of my cousins, I swear is crazy, in a good way.

He has a little YouTube "channel" devoted to shooting and he has a great deal of fun with it!  When I created my Bigfoot hunting site, he went out with his friends and got a hold of a Bigfoot suit and then had someone dressed as Bigfoot then doing the shooting as well.  I laughed my head off at his antics!

So someone asked him, "How many Twinkies will a .22 bullet go through?"  Actually an intriguing question!

Probably 25 years ago Dutchman and I created a pc based program to figure out just that kind of problem.  But, Lord only know where that disk is in this house!  And Dutchman is out of town as usual.  So, I had to do this in my head.

Now there are plenty of variables involved in figuring out how far, how flat a bullet will travel.  Speed of the bullet, shape of the bullet, length of the barrel, bolt action or semi-automatic rifle, distance from end of rifle to first twinkie.  But no matter how you slice it, a bullet does not travel flat.  First it will rise, then it will drop, it may rise again and then it will drop to the ground.

How long until the bullet hits the ground?  Well if you could do this test you would know: fire a gun and drop a corresponding bullet from the same height as the barrel - both bullets will the hit the ground at the same time, if the barrel is perfectly parallel to the ground.

So, they loaded 40 twinkies into a piece of rain gutter and the twinkie always disappeared at the sixth twinkie no matter what they did!  I expected more like 130 before the disappearance - but that is because I was forgetting one thing about twinkies, they are cream filled!

That cream filling is basically a liquid the bullet has to pass through, but more importantly is the change between the cake texture and cream texture and the angle at which that change occurs!  The bullet was exiting after six twinkies because the cream filling is not symmetrical nor inline with the twinkie!

Silly Kris, you should have thought of that one!  Oh well.  All of the cool prizes go to someone else whom guessed six!

Next up, how many Pabst Blue Ribbon Beers will a .22 go through?

Yes, my cousin is having fun on YouTube and making some money surprisingly as well!

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