Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shadow of Evil

Quietly, in the background of my life, I have been trying to figure a problem out.  The problem is, the answer I keep coming to, is in direct opposition to something I know for fact.

People, anyone, you, me, your momma will during course of our lifetimes have problems or make decisions which will affect others around us.  How are we as onlookers to deal with these times?

First off, there are problems, Problems and then there are PROBLEMS!  So from normal to abnormal, is how they are arranged.

Everyone has normal problems - our own stupidity causing harm and to perhaps an inconvenient proportion of others around us as well.

Problems are more difficult because something has gone wrong inside of the person and we are now dealing with prayer and spiritual damage control.

PROBLEMS, well, yeah - we are talking plain and simple demonic activity.  Somewhere, somehow, the person fell off of the spiritual bandwagon and the demons have been rejoicing ever since.  Everyone is damaged in the resulting carnage!

You might remember that one my flippant interview questions I did on my birthday last week, I listed one of my natural talents as getting to the bottom of the causes for problems in my friends' lives.  It is also one of the greatest separators of my friends and I - no one likes having what only they know, no one else could possibly know, known - especially by me.  And then, have me address this with them.  Sigh ...

So, a family with PROBLEMS.  By what right would demons dare to attack this family?  Well, God could have said, "Hey Satan!  You did quite a number on Job.  Wanna have a go at another family?"  But, I do not think so.

Demons could be picking off the family members individually, but again doubtful.  Not a big enough exposure to give Satan the praise he seeks in disqualifying God and His power on Earth.  Satan likes vulnerable targets with lots of public exposure!  Not you or me.

So, we are going to think parents here.  Something went wrong with the parents, during the twenty years I was mostly away.  And that sort of makes me angry!

Both parents are currently quite insane if  you ask me.  Nothing makes any sense, it is random, it is irrational - it is all of the things demonic activity is based off of - except for the smoking gun of sin.  And that is the hard one.  If it was based on sin, it would be public, it would be discrediting other Christians.  Instead just this drumbeat of insanity destroying a family quietly in the dark.

I have been praying concerning this quite some time - with no direction, answer or hints.  Until tonight.

My heart was again broken from what I heard, no rational person would do, would say, or could have ... ever.  We are discussing hate here, which is not one of the gifts of the Spirit.  So, now we have a direct observation of salt water claiming to come from a fresh water spring.  Ain't, gonna happen!

And my mind wandered back to a stand-off between the father and I forty years ago.  What he did is not so important as that my reaction was quite violent.  He was going to die, make no mistake here, that old Kris had driven hundreds of miles to offer him a chance to change or to die.  It was that simple.  He chose wisely and did turn his life 180 degrees around.  And he held that course for decades.  Then something happened, somewhere, somehow, sin had regained control!

When I look at prejudice, hatred, judgement - all the "classic" adjectives used to describe an American Christian,  we are no longer talking God in control.  These three are in fact the root cause for the problems in his life, they go back to happenings in his life long ago, now boiling over due to resentment of others and his own physical condition as well as sinful nature.

And here is where I have been praying for knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

I now know, I now understand, but I have no wisdom as how to precede!  In fact I really need Miss Manners to contact me, if she even still reads this blog!  Wisest person I have ever encountered and this is Kris' SOS to you out there ... !

So, mitigating damage inside of the family I can nibble at the edges of and pray for changed hearts.
Praying for wisdom and God's words in addressing this with him, if I can ever get him alone because I think I know - but dear God I hope not!
And if you would join me in prayer, this is a badly damaged family of 6 and honestly, they are in need of a major God intervention ...
I truly believe God has His hand of judgement on them, trying to call them back and most seem obvious.

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