Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stuff n Such

I think I will finally have enough money on Friday to buy my tickets to Timothy's wedding in July.  When I looked online at prices back in April it was $1,200+ just for the airfare!  Now, a month out, it has fallen to just under $900 for the same tickets!  So, looks like I will make it.  Found out that several I know will be there as well.  So, might not be too lonely and a little fun!

At school I am definitely failing one of my classes.  Sigh.  I sank so much effort into it I damaged my other two grades!  So, now in recovery mode: pass my core classes and work on the psycho class when the others are done.  I can hardly wait to see if I can manage a passing grade or not in that one class on the final next week!  Maybe, maybe no.....?

I am thinking, rather sorely, of not continuing my sunday school teaching.  I love doing this but my private life is in shambles currently - so if I take my book of Timothy seriously, I need to be trying to salvage my family rather than teaching.  Which is a little maddening.  I love teaching, my classes require little prep time, so little would be freed up for more time trying to reach out to my family, and they are all adults whom are choosing very unwisely.....  Sigh.  Kris is following what God has demanded, the family is going at 90 degrees and I get to be punished for their sake, I guess.

Which brings me to - wondering what on Earth God is doing in my life?  I keep having to drag myself back to just the basics of my life: do what God has told me to do!  When ever I am thinking I have it all figured out, God throws a monkey wrench into my life and I am left standing there going, "What on Earth just happened?"  It is like I can see what God is doing, everything is on track, and I get poked in the eye with a sharp stick!  Ok, so maybe I misunderstood my GPS (God Positioning System) - recalculating! - I get my feet back under me, just in time to get broadsided by another sharp stick!  And it is almost daily that Kris is having to rethink, readdress, re-value all things in his life.  I am so worn down now that I have thought hard of just selling everything and taking a hike from life.  But, I can not, I have something I have to do in a few years.  The Kris, whom would run away, is not the man needed for that task in a few years.  Though I think he is going to be a mighty worn out guy by then!

So a dreary, rainy, morning.  I think I need tea.....

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