Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ex Cathedra

If you were in my personal life, you would be perplexed at how do I "know" things. You eventually would conclude that Kris has discernment. Then one day you would want Kris to play prophet and ask him what God's will is for a situation. It has happened once for everyone in my life. Why not twice? Because they want a yes or no answer and instead get a revelation of a problem in their own life, that is the real root of the real question. There has been one person whom has asked twice and I am pretty sure she will never ask a third time.....

But it was just not her question, it was mine as well. I needed to know what is going on. I needed to know what was really behind the situation. I needed to understand how in God's determinative or permissive will, the situation could be true. Because the decision affects me, as well as, my understand of what God has been doing in my own life.....

In less than a fraction of a second I "knew" she was either lying to herself or was misleading herself. I was either erring on the side of compassion or my own will. Yeah, everyone was wrong. And so given a night of no sleep, I had plenty of time to pray and think on this......

The answer? Impetuous. I had to even look up how to spell it much less see what it really meant this morning! She is impetuous. The situation she finds herself in has nothing to do with the situation, anyone's desire, etc. It has to do with her learning to stand on what she knows - without fleeing. Fleeing is easy. God needs her to learn how to stand in place. The impulsive part of her character has to be broken. She has to learn what walking by faith means and that is not possible for an impetuous person. I guess that answers a great many questions I have had.

She understands that her future is determinative, in other words, God is planning on using her for a specific purpose. But she wants to make the present God's permissive will because, hey, that is so much easier and honestly, a whole lot lovelier than standing in place, given the situation.

So, if she does what she wants and does not address what she knows she should, well God will call her back to where she is supposed to be. Or, worse yet, God can let her go her way and she will learn her lesson the hard way.

And therein lay the problem for any of us: man's common sense or desire, has nothing to do with what God wants for us. Our desires will always lead to our own destruction. Because His ways are not our ways. His wisdom is not ours. His outcome is never what we really seek or can understand.

And you have to understand that the above answer for her is actually to my own detriment, but I will not explain the why. It is enough that I understand the true cost of her standing in place and what that impact will have on me (as if my life was not complicated enough!).

As for the title of this posting? It is an ill thought out doctrine of the Roman Catholic church from the 14th Century. The thought that any man can speak for God is appalling to me. God can tell us, but we can understand imperfectly, we communicate imperfectly, the hearer then understands less perfectly. Beginning with the one God tells something to, the errors may then begin....

So, I know you will not have liked this answer. It violates common sense, it is not what anyone wants, and yet the choice is still yours to do with as you please. And you need to remember what love, honesty and transparency really are....

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