Thursday, June 21, 2012

How To Be A Servant

Just some ideas on how to be a servant.....

1.   Volunteer at a local shelter or try and help transients.
2.   Pray daily for a friend in need.
3.   Write an encouraging letter to a missionary.
4.   Invite a visitor to church, to lunch with you.
5.   Babysit so a young couple can have a date (maybe pay for their dinner too!).
6.   Volunteer working around the church property.
7.   Volunteer to teach a sunday school class.
8.   Pray for your pastor and elders.
9.   Disciple a new believer.
10. Volunteer to do maintenance on the church building.
11. Anonymously give a sacrificial gift to the church or someone in need.
12. Talk with someone after service, no one is talking to.
13. Make dinner for a new mother or family in crisis.
14. Bring snacks for after church fellowship.
15. Volunteer at a local Crisis Pregnancy Center.
16. Volunteer to share information on missions.
17. Go on a short term mission.
18. Serve someone who has hurt you.
19. Mow the yard for a senior citizen.
20. Volunteer to watch kids / sunday school for infants and toddlers.
21. Volunteer to work with the  children's ministry.
22. Volunteer to work with the junior and senior high youth ministries!
23. Teach an adult sunday school class.
24. How about being part of the worship ministry or Lauder Team?
25. Volunteer to help with the church office.
26. Visit the forgotten in nursing and rest homes.
27. See a need around the church?  Do it.
28. Listen to a story the 100th time and love the teller.
29. Give a gift card to a family in need, anonymously is just fine.....
30. Ask God to show you a need everyday, that you can meet.

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