Thursday, September 22, 2011

Puyallup Fair

Went to the Puyallup Fair with Dutchman and his wife yesterday.  Sort of was a shocker when he called first thing in the morning and said they were in town and we ought to do the fair.

I am so stiff and sore today!  I imagine that he is worse though as his back is giving him lots of problems and the doctors really do not know why yet.  Lots of little breaks.

Fred Oldfield (a western artist) had his museum open and I had a great time checking out all of his paintings and memorabilia he as collected across his many years.  Cool guy.

Also photographed quilts I saw and like to send to Gaelic Girl, once I photoshop them down in size!  For some reason my camera really likes to create huge photo files!  I have yet to figure out how to get them down in size and since the camera is wearing out I probably will not worry about.  ;^)

The art area was really good to.  I was really surprised to see that Middle Daughter's mother-in-law had a painting there and it was quite good!  Since it was for sale, I probably would have bought it, were it not already sold!  (it was only $40)

I also spent a great deal of time looking at the jams - yeah, mine would not have even placed.  sigh.  For some reason mine keep separating on the bottom.  But, tomorrow oldest daughter is coming over and we are going to try again.

For my western Washington state readers, you ought to go check out the animals.  Some breeds I have never even heard of before!  And the mini-donkeys just loved me.

Well need to find some tea and wake up.

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